Normally this is a little break period where the garden is ramping up for the coming fall harvest and Farmer Marie sells the small amount of available produce to supplement the farm's income. But this year she's giving that produce to those of us who stuck with the CSA through the tough summer months. I think half of the shares ended up leaving.
It was very interesting for us to see first hand the hardships that farms deal with. It certainly made me appreciate my vegetables and my farmer more.
Last week we received 3 lbs of summer squash, plus purslane and summer spinach. This week it's: 3 lbs of summer squash (a tiny cucuzza, some patty pan, a crookneck, and two varieties of zucchini), 3.5 oz of purslane, 3.5 oz of summer spinach, and 10 oz of spicy green salad mix (arugula, baby mizuna, and baby mustard greens).
Last week we received 3 lbs of summer squash, plus purslane and summer spinach. This week it's: 3 lbs of summer squash (a tiny cucuzza, some patty pan, a crookneck, and two varieties of zucchini), 3.5 oz of purslane, 3.5 oz of summer spinach, and 10 oz of spicy green salad mix (arugula, baby mizuna, and baby mustard greens).
Perhaps you're not familiar with purslane or summer spinach (both pictured here); I wasn't until this summer. Purslane is delicious raw or cooked (lightly steaming brings out the tartness).
The mysterious "summer spinach" may be malobar spinach but I'm not really sure. It doesn't look like any pictures I've found, but, whatever it is, it's delicious, especially raw.